Janet Herring Mentorship Program Application
For the 6th school year, the UAB Beta Alpha Psi chapter is organizing the mentoring program for the chapter’s female members and pledges. The Janet Herring Accounting Student Professional Development Program fosters relationships between Beta Alpha Psi members and UAB Alumni, faculty/staff, and community partners who are willing to share professional insights, critical networking opportunities and practical advice.
If you have any questions, contact Lauren Curry, Mentorship Chair, at lcurry1@uab.edu.
Requirements for Student Mentees
Commit to the program for fall & spring semester (September to April)
Attend the Mentoring Program Kick-off Reception at the Club
Initiate interaction with your mentor at least once monthly; Interaction may be initiated by email, but the interaction should be by phone or in person
Set goals for the mentoring relationship with your mentor, including discussing the book “Modern Business Etiquette for Young and Fabulous Professionals” by Stayce Wagner provided by the program.
Participate in a shadowing experience, as arranged by your mentor, and provide the Beta Alpha Psi Mentoring Program Chair with the name and contact information of your shadow mentor
Prepare a brief (one or two pages) summary of your experience in the program
Attend the Mentor Program Closing Luncheon.
Send your mentor and shadow mentor a thank you note at the end of the program, or more often
Expectations for Student Mentees
Attend Beta Alpha Psi weekly professional meetings
Attend workshops and seminars sponsored by Career Services; You and your mentor will be notified of workshops by Beta Alpha Psi and you should attend at least 50% of the workshops
Look at career decisions that are consistent with your own value system
Ask thought provoking questions in order to improve your professional preparation
Respect the time constraints of your mentor and exhibit professionalism in all interactions with your mentor (demeanor, dress, communications, etc.)