Full Membership

As a member of the Delta Chi chapter of Beta Alpha Psi, you will have the opportunity to meet fellow accounting, finance, and information systems majors—people who you may be in a position to hire one day or work alongside in the future. Our members are able to meet prospective employers at our weekly meetings and interact with UAB BAP alumni who work in the local professional community. Membership in Beta Alpha Psi speaks positively to future employers, professionals, and faculty about your commitment to your career and to academic excellence. You will learn more about the various jobs available to you as a UAB graduate and have the opportunity to develop leadership and other skills that will be of professional benefit.

Undergraduate Pledging Requirements

Candidates are at least of junior status. A student shall be considered for pledge status (candidacy) if all of the following conditions are met. The prospective pledge/candidate:

  1. Must have declared a major/minor/concentration in accounting, finance, OR information systems

  2. Must have completed Principles of Accounting I and II (AC 200/201) with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

  3. Must have a cumulative GPA in all coursework of 3.0 or higher, OR a 3.25 over the most recent 60 hours, OR a 3.5 over the most recent 30 hours completed.

  4. Must be currently enrolled in, or have previously completed, the following courses applicable to your program of study.
    Accounting Majors: Intermediate Accounting I (AC 300)
    Finance Majors: Fundamentals of Financial Management (FN 310)
    Information Systems Majors: Information Systems (IS 303)

  5. Must attend Pledge Orientation Meeting (see email invite for details)

  6. Must submit a completed Application for Pledge-ship, a copy of your most recent unofficial transcripts from all college coursework, and check to pay for pledge-ship--$100

Undergraduate Initiation Requirements


A pledge/candidate will be eligible for initiation if all of the following requirements are met. The candidate:

  1. Met the above requirements

  2. Must have completed, in addition to 45 hours of business and non-business coursework, and one of the following courses applicable to your program of study.
    Accounting Majors: Intermediate Accounting I (AC 300)
    Finance Majors: Fundamentals of Financial Management (FN 310)
    Information Systems Majors: Information Systems (IS 303)

  3. Must have a cumulative GPA in all coursework of 3.0 or higher, OR a 3.25 over the most recent 60 hours, OR a 3.5 over the most recent 30 hours completed.

  4. Must have a GPA of at least 3.0 in all accounting, finance, and information systems coursework attempted.

  5. Must have, while a pledge/candidate, completed at least 8 Professional and 8 Service Hours during the pledge semester, unless excused by the chapter Vice President of Operations.

  6. Agree to complete the minimum 12 professional, 12 service hour requirements and 8 additional professional or service hours every year (2 semesters) you are a member of BAP.